Articles on behaviour change and self-development

Inspirational content to help you achieve a positive change

Why change is so difficult?

Why change is so difficult?

Why change is so difficult? Why are we longing for change so badly, but always find it so difficult to stick to new habits?

Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now!

Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now!

How many times a day you give up what you want most for what you want now? It is so difficult to remember that in the moment. We live in the world of instant gratification. We want something yummy – we order deliveroo and have it by our door instantly. We fancy reading something new – it is downloaded in a few clicks. We get most things effortlessly. On the bright side – it is a convenient world to live in, and a natural part of evolution.

How can I increase my Self-worth?

How can I increase my Self-worth?

There are many definitions, theories and also critics of what self-worth is. A lot of discussions are exploring if we really need to focus on it and how do we measure it. For me personally, the real, deep sense of self-worth comes from the unsinkable belief in our worthiness and value.

How to stop procrastination with this simple exercise

How to stop procrastination with this simple exercise

Did you know that procrastination can be a habit. It becomes addictive and we repeat it over and over again, despite knowing how negatively it affects our productivity and feeling good about ourselves? How do we stop procrastination?