Emotional Eating Coaching (Including Binge And Disordered Eating)

I offer binge eating coaching to help my clients change their relationship with emotional eating, binge eating, and disordered eating.

My goal is to help you break free from restrictive patterns or yo-yo dieting and liberate you from the shame surrounding food.

I have certified as Addictive Behaviour Coach in 2022.

UK Behaviour change coach how to stop binge eating coaching London
UK Behaviour change coach how to stop binge eating coaching London

Emotional and binge eating recovery coach

I work with clients on the emotional and behavioural aspects of these patterns to create a long-lasting, effective plan that breaks the habit.

Together, we work on making peace with food and the body, transforming complex relationships with food into simpler, healthier ones.

Are you:

  • Spending loads of time thinking about what you should and shouldn’t eat?
  • Trapped in cycles of restrictive dieting?
  • Trying every possible diet and trick, only to revert to the same habits?
  • Obsessed and fixated on food, which consumes a lot of your time and energy?
  • Finding social gatherings challenging, focusing on food rather than interactions?
  • Using food as a coping mechanism for stress?
  • Stuck in a cycle of shame, guilt, and self-blame around food?


I Can Help

If any of these resonate with you, I can assist in breaking free from bingeing and restrictive patterns, fostering a sense of liberation around food. Together, we will address both the emotional and behavioral aspects of these habits, rebuilding the connection between body and mind.

My Philosophy

I cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance. Change is not easy, and I provide accountability throughout the journey. I believe long-lasting change is only possible by gaining clarity on who you are as a person, your values, and your true beliefs.

Understanding your long-term vision and how your habits align with it is crucial. After delving deeply into discovering who you are, we use practical, powerful tools to implement this vision and overall wellbeing plan into your life. 

I am passionate about helping people find wellbeing. Some of us are luckier than others and have a more privileged start, and the circumstances we grow up in can profoundly influence where we find ourselves as adults. However, I believe everyone has the potential to feel happy and fulfilled.

how to stop binge eating coaching

The Power of Coaching

Humans are creatures of habit, and changing established habits can be difficult. That’s where coaching comes in. It’s an effective way to press the ‘pause’ button, giving you a chance to reflect, explore, and re-evaluate what’s truly important to you.

Through coaching, you’ll recognize the challenges and find options for overcoming those barriers, allowing you to make positive changes in all aspects of your life. It can help you take the reins, boost your self-confidence, and build meaningful, long-lasting relationships with the people who matter most.

Face To Face (indoor or 'walk & talk') and Online Bespoke Coaching

I’m Olga, a life coach based in London

I’m Olga, a life coach based in London

I’m a Certified Addictive Behaviour Coach (The Coaching Academy, 2022), a Qualified Personal Performance Coach (The Coaching Academy, 2023) and also a Certified Trauma-Informed Coach (Integrate Training, 2022). My life coaching approach is 360°, ensuring that you’re supported emotionally and practically as you embark on your journey of change. I’m a passionate learner, always expanding my knowledge to bring great results and growth for my clients, and regularly attend CPD courses on topics including eating disorders, trauma, addictions, suicide and relationships.

Central to all of my work is the fundamental belief that whilst change is not always easy, it is always possible. My core values are compassion, respect, and honesty, which together make a powerful combination that facilitates change. As such, I will always champion those who are open to change, and will do everything I can to help you move beyond your present into the future you deserve.

What My Clients Say
"Olga's extraordinary insight and depth of perception have made a profound and real difference to my life. Her personalised, tailored approach to coaching is a game-changer and I would highly recommend the experience to anyone."
"Working with Olga was extremely impactful. She held space for me to be open and honest with myself and offered tools and valuable insights into how to look at my blind spots and challenge to make better life choices confidently. Highly recommended!"