How can I increase my Self-worth?
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How can I increase my Self-worth?

Picture of Olga Phillips
Olga Phillips

I support my clients in breaking free from unwanted habits, especially around emotional and binge eating


There are many definitions, theories and also critics of what self-worth is. A lot of discussions are exploring if we really need to focus on it and how do we measure it. For me personally, the real, deep sense of self-worth comes from the unsinkable belief in our worthiness and value.

The power of self-talk

In coaching, no matter what issues we are working on – changing habits, working on new life directions, making exciting goals happen – we are always treating underlaying feelings of self-worth and improving our self-talk.

These great benefits all come from raising the self-awareness. We unconsciously recreate what is familiar until we become aware of it and choose to change it to something better.

If we grew up in unsupportive environment which lacked acceptance and unconditional positive regard, we are most likely to recreate this environment in our homes and carry on the negative self-talk.

Two gifts from the brain

Good news – our brain has two great gifts for us – responsibility and neuroplasticity.

Coaching for decisions and periods of change. How can I increase my Self-worth?
How to improve the self-worth

We can take the responsibility for choosing how we want to talk to ourselves and what value we put on ourselves.

We can use neuroplasticity and make those positive changes to become the person we want to be.

It won’t happen overnight! It is a journey of unpacking believes, fears, benefits of our current behaviours. But what a shame would it be not to use those gifts and never get to live the life you want!

We are lucky to be living in the time of unlimited self-help information.

And if you need help on the way – I am here for you. Life coaching is equipped with powerful questions and practical tools to challenge your self-talk and self-beliefs. It helps to take a deep dive inside yourself and build unshakable confidence.